Hvor er Startblokka?
- Østre Aker Vei 90, Oslo
Linderud T-Bane
Blissful Sunday is a one day event; a pleasant journey to heal and expand our consciousness.
There will be a series of activities that consist of different yoga practices beyond Asana or physical yoga.
Bhakti yoga is a euphoric, blissfull yoga practice where you connect yourself to the devine within.
14:00 – 14:30 Arrival , registration
14:30 -15:30 Yoga Asanas
15:30 -16:15 Pranayama ( breath work)
16:15-16:35 Silent and stillness meditation
16:35 – 17:30 Break , Dinner ( vege and vegan )
17:30 – to 19:30 Blissfull party with cacao and live Musical ceremony , enchanted mantras , heart dance, drumming and musical improvisation
Note, bring comfortable cloths for yoga asana and meditation. Bring yoga matt if you have.
Price: 399kr
For more info contact Reyno 48668765
Love and Light