Relax and Unwind
Startblokka Østre Aker vei 90, OsloCan you pause in your life, even if only for a moment? Could it be this moment? What would happen if you did? During this 2-hours event we want to […]
Can you pause in your life, even if only for a moment? Could it be this moment? What would happen if you did? During this 2-hours event we want to […]
En performance av Hannah Mjølsnes og Mandragora Autumnalis/Officinalis i samarbeid med Viktor Pedersen. Lørdag 2 Oktober. 18:00 - 19:00, 19:30 - 20:30 Lokasjon: Startblokka på Linderud Begrenset plass. Påmelding nødvendig. […]